Hendel’s Air Conditioning Awarded One of 15 Better Business Bureau’s Business Ethics 2006 Awards
Phoenix, Ariz. (March 2006)… Joe Hendel, president of Hendel’s Air Conditioning, is pleased to announce that the company has been selected as one of 15 winners in the Better Business Bureau (BBB)of Central/Northern Arizona’s 2006 Business Ethics Awards.
The company will celebrate the occasion at the award’s program on March 22 at 6 p.m. at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix, AZ. Hendel’s Air Conditioning was recognized as one of 3 "Our goal is to provide our customers with competitive pricing, speedy service, and above all, our customers are treated fairly," said Hendel. "We are extremely honored to be recognized by our loyal customers."
The Business Ethics Awards is an annual event that was established to formally acknowledge and reward companies that demonstrate business ethics and integrity in the marketplace, promoting through self regulation the highest standards of business ethics and conduct. All nominees must have a satisfactory record with the BBB, have been in business at least three years, and be physically located in the BBB’s ten-county service area in Arizona.